Pumask(2) Oct. 1, 1991 Pumask(2) NAME Pumask - set file and directory creation mask SYNOPSIS WORD Pumask( WORD mode ); DESCRIPTION Pumask changes the file and directory creation mask of the current process to the unsigned 16 bit quantity specified in mode. The old value of the creation mask is returned. Child processes inherit the new value for the mask. When a new file is created with Fcreate or a new directory created with Dcreate the initial access permissions (see Fchmod for a description of these) for the newly created file or directory are normally set so that all permissions are granted (except that execute permission is not normally granted for files). The creation mask set by Pumask deter- mines which permissions are not to be granted by default. Thus, files created after a Pumask(S_IWOTH|S_IWGRP|S_IXOTH) call will be readable by anyone, but writable only by the owner; moreover, directories created after this call would be searchable by the owner and members of the same group, but not by anyone else. SEE ALSO Dcreate(2), Fchmod(2), Fcreate(2) BUGS Pumask doesn't affect explicit Fchmod calls, as some might expect. Version 0.9 Last change: MiNT Programmer's Manual 1